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1 Pet, Rescuer

NameJune Admodisastro
JoinedAug 2008
LocationKuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
OccupationInbound Manager
ExperienceCat (20 Years)
Interested InRescuing Pets
An Animal Lover
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I'm a cat lovers ever since I can remember. My family used to have 13 cats at home. We are all cat lovers. I love travelling and reading.Music is part of me too. I'm just a simple person with positive mind.I have 11 cats at home.All my cats are strays that my hubby and me took in.

macgyverjune's Pets

Share your comments here15 Comments
habidaiya   Apr 16th 2009 at 8:16AM
hai june..

abu hilang cmtu jer..pagi lepas mkn die jenlajan keluar..untill now..x balik lg dah..

puteh pun da ilang.... waaaaaa!!!!!
puteh da sakit...aritu kakinyer patah..sbb kucing liar kt area rumah tu kacau die..
puteh da kurus...
susah ati pikir abu..
mmsabari   Apr 23rd 2009 at 4:54PM
dear macgyverjune,you are right, we are human and got brain.. use it wisely.. NOT TO NEUTER anything for NOTHING... Maybe they are got good reason to sterilise themselves but for them only or for some people... For me... NO!!! No Reason... I had study bible, Kung Fu Tze, Buddist and quran but there is no word to agree this thing... Sorry my dear... Not to arquing u but i only give a opinion.. Soorrry again...
mmir   Jun 8th 2009 at 3:08PM
maaf yer mmsabari. nak tegur satu jer.
study kitab bukan dengan cara cari satu hukum atau ketentuan tu dengan ayat yang terus terang. itu sebabnya kita kena study hadis juga. contohnya dalam al-quran tidak ada diterangkan cara berwujud secara jelas, jadi dari mana kita nak tentukan cara ini? kita perlu merujuk kepada mereka yang faham isi tersirat di sebalik ayat2 yang penuh isi tersirat di samping tersurat. rujuk kepada ulama dan hadis juga yer.

maaf jika saya salah.
macgyverjune   Jun 9th 2009 at 1:38PM
alah Mir.biarlah dia dgn labu labu dia.dia tak nak sudah.pastu nanti bersusun 100 kucing dlm rmh baru nak fikir nak buat apa.org yg fikir diri dia hebat dan study suma benda tp at the end tak study apa.dia tak nak neuter,peduli ler.klu pas ni ada posting kat forum nak bg adopt kucing,tanyalah dia kenapa.dah tak larat ke nak jaga kucing yg beranak 4x setahun?? manusia dibagi akal fikiran utk explore dan berfikir.bukan biar je tak berasah otak kita.
white   Jun 19th 2009 at 12:43AM
macgyverjune, we can only let the people who wish to not listen for their own good, to be what they want to be. There are so many breeders on here, even the ones who claim themselves as animal rescuers, especially rescuing off of the streets. They should really study the core of the problem, why did they even become stray, and then maybe they'll come to their senses, and stop contradicting themselves. You are doing such a great job, and it's rare that someone knows what it takes to save animals, and willing to understand, study, and go through so much more just doing noble things that doesn't benefit you in any monetary sense. I look up to your perseverance very much. You were here and there to tell them when they need to be told, when they need help when they don't know it. You've done alot in your own power. This is place is such a great place for sharing ideas, but some just took it as a disadvantage, which is really unfortunate, they're missing on alot of good stuffs these people here can offer to improve themselves. Very nice to have known you. Thanks for the pat on my back. :)
jesse   Aug 3rd 2009 at 4:14PM
Hi June, I'm feeding a male stray cat that is very cute and beautiful..can't keep him because too many dogs at home..he is about 2 mths older than Max but can't get along with Max or my Mimi since he's young..will upload his pic..
nurkasih   Aug 15th 2009 at 11:29PM
Entahlah akak..macam takder kerja jer... si balqislah..saper lagi..start ngan furkids pasal yang English hari tueh..dia hangat ngan saya.. furkids kena sket.. pastue kak pulak pasal neuter tueh.. pastue si ayahanda apa tah nieh.. parents/bf/husband or related to balqis..Email dia balqis

Balqis dah hantar private messaging kat sayer minta maaf.. saya pun tak kisah..tetiba datang email yang bahasa cantik..
Bukan nak kata kak...
Balqis pun memula datang ngan bahasa yang indah..
NIeh related ngan dia pun bahasa indah jugak..
Semuanya indah2..
Eileen08   Nov 10th 2009 at 3:28PM
hi June
Saw yr comments posted on patch profile. Please call Wani from Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better at for help to get the two stray pups if they are friendly. thanks much
macgyverjune   Nov 11th 2009 at 1:39PM
Hai!! Eileen,tks for the info.I will do it once I got to know the dogs better.They are playful but afraid of people but shameless when comes to food.They gobble up the moment I put the plate.heheheheh!!
bina   Nov 21st 2009 at 3:54PM
Hey! You are NOT 58!!
Acqua   Dec 8th 2009 at 4:02PM
hi kak june btol la..
i x kate pun diri nie perfect ke ape..
tapi cume nak pertahankan diri sendiri..
bab bdak2 skarang nie x yah cakap mmg trok..
i pon bdak lagi..
pon trok..
tapi x la sampai mcm tu (kot)..
btw nie akak refer pade kisah maq ke deanil?
if saye ade buat salah pade sape2 sorry sangat ye..
jasliee   Dec 9th 2009 at 9:13PM
nak tipu breed satu hal tp jual kitten yg baru umur 2 bln lagi satu hal. bayangkan klu anak ko sendiri yg umur 2 bln dipisahkan dgn ibu dia.gunakan akal fikiran yg dikurniakan Allah.klu dikata bodoh karang marah pula.

sedapnya bahasa otai kat sini..sebenarnya sy tk nk gaduh2 tapi mmg sy sakit hati dgn ayat2 kat atas tu... aku nk tnye manusia ni boleh disamakan ke dgn binatang??? mak ayah ko tak ajar kee?? ku tgk ko ni mcm dh tua tapi mulut... kalau la ko ni baik sgt napa geng2 ko yg dok jual kucing kat sini umur 2 bulan ko tak sound? berpuak ke kat sini?? tak boleh ke bg nasihat elok2? ko ingat ko sorang je ke yang syg kan kucing? kat umh aku ada dekat 30 ekor kucing kg tapi tak ada bising2 pun... lain kali mulut tu jgn kurang ajar sgt,patut ko sbagai org tua kat sini ckp la elok2 sikit... aku pun tk penah kacau ko kan? kalau geng2 ko dok jual kucing kat sini ko diam jeee... napaaa???? lain kali ckp tu biar berlapik.....
macgyverjune   Dec 10th 2009 at 6:29AM
wah!! marah nampak kwn.kenapa terasa ke??
jasliee   Dec 10th 2009 at 9:23AM
sbb akak ni tk cerdik sgt...geram juga... kalau aku sama kan ko dgn binatang ok tak?
macgyverjune   Dec 10th 2009 at 12:55PM
Jaslie,tulisan kamu ini menggambarkan peribadi kamu seorang perempuan yg bagaimana.Jd saya tak perlu ulas apa2 lg.

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