Hi, are you still interested in adopting any of these puppies? Let me know, contact me at https://xjd0mlns.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2FPetFinder.my%2Fpets%2F%2F/1/da7f85ec4-b299e181-bd40-49fb-a9c0-1aa71d22b0df-/UHh11OzLGYAStwZPYyHMSlkaLhQ=248
Hi, are you still interested in adopting any of these puppies? Let me know, contact me at https://xjd0mlns.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2FPetFinder.my%2Fpets%2F%2F/1/da7f85ec4-b299e181-bd40-49fb-a9c0-1aa71d22b0df-/UHh11OzLGYAStwZPY… show more
tq for commented on d Popi Pup Pup but all of them were already adopted in d year of 2017.
i hv a 3 mths old black girl available right now under d name of 344. pls chk her out. tq