Pls respect others people right. Yes sometimes they might be wrong to put thier cat in here..dary pada buang kucng tpi jaln..just charge ckit untuk vaksin n some stuff yg nak dberi tu pon kate jual..all cat in my house i beli n just caj ckit tu pon u kate org macam2..don't straight away judge people. UR WORD TRY TO SAY U ARE GOOD IN EVERYTHING. U TRY TO SAY U KNOW EVERYTHING...COME on la...
Pls respect others people right. Yes sometimes they might be wrong to put thier cat in here..dary pada buang kucng tpi jaln..just charge ckit untuk vaksin n some stuff yg nak dberi tu pon kate jual..all cat in my house i beli n just caj c… show more