Done a few rescues of cats and birds back then. Growing up with doggies since kinder garden. Had lots of experience with them, and aqua animals as well. Would love to find a cat that I don't mind sharing my bed with. My values of keeping pets is definitely having sense of responsibility as they follow us for the rest of their life. Being abandon is not a thing I can stand seeing them to go through. That feeling is the worst. I'm from an Island called Langkawi, and currently both my doggo are keeping my parents happy there, both spayed and neutered. I feel bad for them as I could no longer be around them as frequently as I wished. There are 0 colleges or universities that I can attend to so moving to the city is my only choice. And the reason of not bringing them along is because it's really hard to carry canine across to the ocean to mainland as the population's religion there disfavour the idea of getting too close to canine. They does not seems to like it very much so i would only take my doggo to the beach in the middle of 3 am and gaze over bright stars with no light pollutions like the city. And i do it on a very frequent basis as i love adventures and there's tons of beaches in Langkawi.