Finding a replacement for a cat I once loved.
R.I.P "Ginger Bear" (passed away on 11 Oct 2019 @ 5 yrs old).
"Ginger Bear" (that's what I called him) was my neighbor's cat who had many foster parents since he loved to go to other neighbors' homes, then being cuddly and being a good boy. Almost all the neighbors couldn't afford to not liking him when he first came. We loved him eventually till the extend that many of the neighbors came to his small funeral and shed tears.
A fat & lazy but very clever cat. Loved to cuddle and sleep with humans. Fussy eater, didn't like biscuits, only canned food. He loved chicken so much. (Ayam goreng McD to be specific)
I was never into pets before. But Ginger changed my whole life when he insisted to enter my home despite many rejections I made. After many attempts, I finally let him in and since that day (in 2017), I'd grown love towards him and towards cats in general.
Now that he'd gone, I'm still coping to move on. Even though he was not my own cat but I feel like losing a child..So many memories with him. I'm still afraid to see his pictures/videos for that will make me sink into depression.
He was the legendary cat in our neighborhood. I miss him so much.