Am a dog lover and l have had series of dogs ranging from German Shepard and rothwiler currently am doing my masters here in Malaysia and will love to have at least one lovely dog to keep me company
Patrick, as a dog-lover, I can understand why you would like the company of a dog while in Malaysia, but you say you are here to complete your Masters degree. What would you plan to do with the dog in a year or two when you leave Malaysia? As you can see, there are many homeless dogs here already; it's not easy to re-home them. Please think carefully! Thanks.
Patrick, as a dog-lover, I can understand why you would like the company of a dog while in Malaysia, but you say you are here to complete your Masters degree. What would you plan to do with the dog in a year or two when you leave Malaysia… show more
Patrick, as a dog-lover, I can understand why you would like the company of a dog while in Malaysia, but you say you are here to complete your Masters degree. What would you plan to do with the dog in a year or two when you leave Malaysia… show more
l love dogs and l wont have any problem taking it along with me to where ever l may go. When l was doing my BSC l had a rothwiler l went to Africa with him and he is still alive and happy there.