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NameGamble Lee
JoinedApr 2009
LocationSeremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
ExperienceDog (9 Years)
Cat (3 Years)
Fish (12 Years)
Interested InAn Animal Lover
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I hate Majlis Perbandaran dog catcher and killer ! I am disgusted with the treatment of the Majlis Perbandaran dog catcher and killer to the dogs ! How cruel they are !!! In Malaysia , Mongrel dogs deserve better treatment ! I hope that I can try my best to rescue the homeless dogs in Malaysia and prevent them become the victim of Majlis Perbandaran.

I love all kind of animals especially dogs. No matter it is a good breed/mongrel male/female dog, I love it as well. As a true animal lover, I think that we should love all types of animal and never bother the breed and gender. Will you do that as well ?

However, sometime I might been frustrated as I can't even persuade my family member to become a animal lover , I wonder how can I expect others to become a true animal lover :(

One of my ambition is has at least a big place to receive pity and unwanted strays dogs. Also I hope that I can build up an animal rescue team in Seremban to help most of the stray dogs and launch 'spay and release' plan in order to control the number of stray dogs.

In addition, I hope that in the future I can gather the power of all the animal organization , animal rescue team and true animals lover to help the pity animals especially stray dogs in an effective way.

'One house , one pet adoption plan' is one of my ambition too~~

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chino   May 16th 2009 at 10:59PM
Gamblelee,summir your request to spca.org.my.the person incharge dr ratnam.GODBLESSs
gamblelee86   May 17th 2009 at 1:46PM
Hello Chino,

I d read ur suggestion.

However, when I heard the Organization name 'SPCA' , I d scared . Coz as I hv mentioned b4, I hv a very very bad perception on SPCA. According to some of the SPCA insider,

1)They love to make the dogs to sleep coz too many of dogs

2) The environment for doggies is not good as well

3) Did they really spend the organization money on the pity animals or use it in other way else?

That's y I really wonder most of the people in this organization is really a true animal lover or just specific animals lover.
chino   May 17th 2009 at 1:59PM
hi Gamblelee ..n0w spca already impr0ve sikit sikit,0nly suggestion to prevent these puppies wondering y not temporaly borrow a place for them at spca ???if many v0lunteer at spca they will b facing many ppl ..i check the website ready..anything of c0mplain we can make c0mment to pf admin ,and the 0ther ppl like Jacquerine we can ask inf0rmation or how to work for these d0ggy at you area!!d0nt giv up ..i put my words on ..will try s0lution for d0ddy pblem!!
buffy   May 17th 2009 at 2:00PM
huh? really ar? spca like dat ar? My gudness, poor doggie, nowonder chino, vivi & deki promote so hard 4 d homeless doggies here, now I got it d.

but, if no taker then how le?
chino   May 17th 2009 at 2:17PM
Haha SWeet Buffy we try our very hard sell to 0ur frns ,jiran and relatives etc lohhh...ehmm can u hlp Gamblelee...at least he realy d0ne s0mthings more than us..plsssssssss,can ar?
gamblelee86   May 17th 2009 at 2:25PM
Actually not all the ppl in SPCA are like tat, some of the SPCA volunteers are true animals lovers, they indeed spend their time , money and effort on helping the pity animals . (But not much of them)

buffy , u ask if no taker then how..........sure die. Normally SPCA will offer sick , too fierce , stay too long or too young doggies the priority to 'sleep' 1st.
buffy   May 17th 2009 at 2:35PM
aiyoo, gamblelee, sure not?? I cry d now, small doggie v cute, how can put them 2 sleep, plz sumbody help them.

chino, my English no gud, saw vivi's suggest on deki's post, y not u suggest ryantan to help take fotos? plz?
gamblelee86   May 17th 2009 at 2:51PM
Ya buffy , this is the fact. Many of the ppl at here may know the fact d. That's y I have a very very bad perception on SPCA.
vivi   May 17th 2009 at 3:13PM
Hi gamble lee,
i am vivi here.
can i suggest u to ask for mr ryan kan's help?
i don know him personally but his 3 batch of puppies get adopted very fast.
and i dunno if he's willing to help u or not.
But it's worth a try because he doe a great job for the puppies.
and maybe u can ask advice from him to how to rehome the puppies, if he's willing to share his experience with u.
Let me attach the link for u to track him easy.
Good Luck gamble.

Hope u will success.
gamblelee86   May 17th 2009 at 8:53PM
Hello Vivi,

I email to Mr ryan d.

Anyway tq.
chino   May 18th 2009 at 10:55PM
Gamblelee haha just saw ur photo LOLz:) jia juo and s0 much c0mments ready ,h0pe as Deki wish THERE will B miracle!!
gamblelee86   May 18th 2009 at 11:34PM
Hi Chino ,

I saw Mr Ryan pet adoption photo, he did extremely well on taking the photo so I try the best to re-take some.

Ha.......the comments r up to 130 but none of them r adopted ....ridiculous

I also hope miracle will happen and all of them find a good home. Coz I really do not hope to rehome them simply or push these responsibilities to other dog lovers or rescuers.
Deki   May 18th 2009 at 11:43PM
gamblelee, needless 2 say anything more 2 u, gud job!!!!! 2 thumbs up!!!!!!
chino   May 18th 2009 at 11:44PM
Cheer up Gamblelee....deki and Daphen put comment ready...i said i put my w0rds d>:)
Sorry Gamble Bcoz my sis dont kw how to Drive:(
And My SHedule Tied Loh TXT 2molo>>Godbless:) c My mail
Sweet Dream ,Godbless
Gamble your ad sussess dee in mudah negiri sembilan
.!!!!i put you nomber d
jennifer84   Jun 2nd 2009 at 2:01PM
hi, i've try the number of mr. soba u gv me, but it's error in connection, is there any other number? or does't s'ban have spca's branch or something that i cold contact?? thanks for ur help:)
gamblelee86   Jun 3rd 2009 at 2:18PM
Hi jennifer84,

I have replied ur question by sending a mail to ur mail box. If u din get the mail , pls let me know.

TQ :)

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