🙏Thanks a ton Donnadoss. I never knew such people exist too on this platform. Very heartbreaking. Thanks again. Decided to give it a shot at taking care of the kitten. He was doing good but suddenly diarrhoea started. Feel so sorry for him. Don't know if he will be able to make it since their immune system is weak. Hopefully praying to god to let him live longer. 😭🙏
😭😭😭Oh no. I already lost a 3 month old kitten to parvo 2 months back. Even to this day couldn't come out of the pain of losing him. I just hope this one is not parvo and just needs deworming.
Went to the vet today. 😭As expected, parvo. But 50% survival chance. Trying our best. Hope she can recover soon and grow up to be a beautiful healthy cat. Will keep u posted. Thank u. Pls remember her in ur prayers.