“The smallest feline is a masterpiece” - Leonardo da Vinci
I have a secret. It's personal. I am having a love affair...well,several in fact. I refer,of course, to my cats, for I have more than one. I allude also to the incredible difference my cats make in my life. Companionship, entertainment and emotional support – they give me all this and more. How can words really express the comfort and sweetness of a kitten purring on you lap? Or the joy of watching a mother-cat cuddling her newborns for the first time? Or the amusement of watching a cat's reaction to its reflection in a mirror? There is no yardstick that is long enough or high enough or wide enough to measure just how much my cats add to the richness of my life. And millions of people around the world share my feelings.
About Me:
Well I am currently futhering my study in Vet. I took Vet bcoz I love animals. Especially cats and dogs but mostly I like cats.I am a cat person. Many people asked me,why don't you be a real doctor. Well my answer is simply because I love animals and I do enjoy having animals around me coz i think they are cute and smart..hehehe..Ermm...Personally, I like BSH cat. I think they are adorable...Love to hug them.
Update May 2011 :
I just finished study.. yea yea...
BSH: British Shorthairs
British shorthairs are even-tempered, undemanding cats, the essence of reserve, particularly when they are first introduced to a person or situation. Once they overcome their initial shyness, they turn into dedicated companions who love to spend time with you. They will sit beside you while you are enjoying television or reading, and will follow you around the kitchen watching you cook. They tend to show loyalty to all members of the family, rather than bonding with one person.
Size: medium to large Coat care: low maintenance Diet: Moderate maintenance Body shape: cobby Colours: all solid colours,dilutes,tabby patterns,bicolours and colourpoints Life expectancy: 14 - 20 years