WITH the growing ownership of pets and the growing pet industry in Malaysia, one can observe the many pet shops mushrooming in our neighborhood towns.
In a way it is a good sign that may tell us that now we can have lesser dogs and cats on the streets as we have so many dog and cat adopters now. Because there are so many pet owners, consequently there is a demand for pet shops, vet centres and even pet academies.
What happens if you have more than one pet at home and you wish to have them all cleaned up and groomed to become presentable and smelling good? You do not have to worry huddling them all up in your nice car. So who do you call? Louise, the mobile pet groomer. She is so much in demand that one needs to set an appointment with her at least a week in advance. Now Louise is a professional groomer and she has been doing this for some time now and she attends to all requests anywhere in Klang Valley.
According to Ms Louise, she provides a 5-star status mobile pet grooming service right to your doorstep. This mobile service is exactly what you would otherwise receive at any pet grooming outlet.
Louise has her own style of attending to the dogs in particular. She would know exactly how to handle them, talk to them, whisper to them and all are handled with love and passion. This do not only make the pets happy but also the pet owners. More than just mobile pet grooming.