Stay@home Recycling Contest - Winners
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Congratulations to all contest winners for the Stay@Home Recycling Contest! 🎊🎉
Here are the winners of the top 5 spots and the consolation prizes. To all winners, you’ll be contacted soon so be sure to look out for the e-mail from the organiser 😉
A special thanks to our partners H&M, @alamflorasdnbhd, @swcorpMY, @klothcares, @SoapOperaKL, @Impactlution and all our participants for the enthusiasm and meaningful support throughout this Stay@Home Recycling Challenge 💖
We hope that with the new knowledge gained through the virtual sessions and the contest lined up in this Stay@Home Recycling Challenge, each and every one of us would rethink our waste footprint and take action to manage waste responsibly. Our collective positive actions matter to help stop waste from contaminating our environment and water resources.
Together possible!
#StayAtHomeRecyclingChallenge #EverySmallActionMatters #TogetherPossible #Recycling #WasteFootprint
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