Dyk That Our Orang-Utan Conservation Field Teams H..
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#DYK that our orang-utan conservation field teams have to brave challenging terrain, harsh weather, and sprained necks? That’s because orang-utans build and sleep in nests in the trees. Counting orang-utan nests is an important part of monitoring the orang-utan population.
Learn more about how you can support our orang-utan conservation field teams here: https://community.wwf.org.my/project/4/ Thank you
#DYK that our orang-utan conservation field teams have to brave challenging terrain, harsh weather, and sprained necks? That’s because orang-utans build and sleep in nests in the trees. Counting orang-utan nests is an important part of monitoring the orang-utan population.
Learn more about how you can support our orang-utan conservation field teams here: https://community.wwf.org.my/project/4/ Thank you
Source: https://www.facebook.com/wwfmy/photos/a.159457438241/1016109..
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