The Gang Goes For A Garden Tour
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Bobby gets a walk-around every evening nowadays, and the cats were looking longingly too, so we decided to let them out. For Cow, Bunny, Tiger and Cleo, it would be their first time out into the garden.
Bobby’s dinner. This is the only way he’d eat.
Pole and Indy are outdoor “regulars” by now.
By the way, today, I found Indy on top of our fridge, which is at least 6 foot high. How on earth did he jump up? But there he was, proudly strutting on top of the fridge!
Tabs is also quite familiar to the garden.
Bobby loves walking on the rocks. Maybe it’s the reflexology effect that he likes? Animals know what is good for them.
Poor Tiger…looking for longingly to come out.
So we decided to let them out today. Supervised, of course.
There’s Tiger and Tabs.
Cow, coming out. Bunny didn’t quite know what was going on as he was napping on his pink box. So I went into the room and brought him out. Cleo was already out.
Cow prefers indoors.
Bunny also prefers indoors!
Our girl, Tabs, inspects all my vegetables and herbs.
Bunny went back to his clubhouse and sat.
Tiger went back to the condo!
Pole and Indy were still outside and later, we found Indy had gone over to the neighbour’s house and could not come back through the neighbour’s gate! Sigh…I finally brought him back. A bit of squeezing was necessary. I think he went there to chase one of the Snow White sisters because we found one of them in our garden later.
Cleo also prefers the room.
Our agricultural quality control supervisor returns after her rounds.
I’m quite happy with the vegetables. I’d give it…say, a “B+”.
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