Non-Profits Are Constantly Finding Ways To Raise F..
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Non-profits are constantly finding ways to raise funds. Have you ever wondered what the mechanism is like, the scale of impact to the cause or what is the best approach when it comes to raising funds?
Join our LIVE chat this Sunday, 10am-11am, as we unravel the challenges and benefits of “Fundraising for Turtle Conservation”.
Bring a question or two, you might just win a RELAX “Endangered Species” series water bottle!
#fundraising #turtleconservation #worldseaturtleday2021 #livechat #collaboration
Non-profits are constantly finding ways to raise funds. Have you ever wondered what the mechanism is like, the scale of impact to the cause or what is the best approach when it comes to raising funds?
Join our LIVE chat this Sunday, 10am-11am, as we unravel the challenges and benefits of “Fundraising for Turtle Conservation”.
Bring a question or two, you might just win a RELAX “Endangered Species” series water bottle!
#fundraising #turtleconservation #worldseaturtleday2021 #livechat #collaboration
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