In case some may wonder how can the shed be overcrowded since we’re trying our best to rehome the furrizens, this is one of the reason. Every week, we have an average of 3-5 dogs dumped outside the shed. And today is no exception. However, we’re very shocked at the condition of the poor dog... terribly skinny and weak, just lying there almost motionless. Aunty Kiew gently put the dog in the carrier and Aunty Kim rush him/her to the vet.. As of now, we’re not sure how the dog is doing. Fingers crossed he/she will be alrite. Aunty Kiew cautiously, gently and expertly moved the poor dog into the dog carrier. The poor dog was fatigue and almost motionless, didn’t even really struggle ( as most would do when stranger approach them ) when Aunty Kiew moved him/her. Wish you a speedy recovery, poor doggie…
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