Thank You Rhone Ma Eng Version. Rhone Ma Holdings ..
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THANK YOU Rhone Ma (eng version 👇)
非常感谢制药企业 Rhone Ma Holdings Berhad 的慷慨捐赠!在他们今年的企业社会责任项目 (CSR) 中,大方捐赠了整整3000支的狗虱药水 (FRONTLINE Combo Spot On Dog) 及24粒Nexgard Spectra给园区三千多只的狗狗们 😱😍
Frontline Combo Spot On 药水和Nexgard Spectra的药效长达一个月,这真的大大减轻了我们这个月做狗虱预防的庞大开销,真心感激Rhone Ma 🙇
在他们询问我们收留了多少只狗狗时,当时真的没想到会捐赠这么多,让每一只狗狗都能受惠 ❤🐶
Rhone Ma旗下好几种不同的跳蚤预防药都可在各大兽医诊所买得到噢 ~ 支持 💪
Big thank you to @Rhone Ma Holdings Berhad for the generous contribution! In this year’s of their Corporate Social Responsibility Program (CSR), they generously donated 3,000 pipettes of FRONTLINE Combo Spot On Dog and 24 chews of Nexgard Spectra to our 3000+ shelter doggies 😱😍
The efficacy of Frontline Combo Spot On and Nexgard Spectra lasts for one month, which really greatly reduces our huge expenses on ticks and fleas prevention. We’re truly grateful to have Rhone Ma with us 🙇
When they asked us for the population of dogs in our HOPE shelter, we really don’t expect them to donate such a huge quantity of ticks and fleas preventive medication to us. Now that each of our dogs is benefited from the donation ❤🐶
Usually we can only afford economical preventive medication in the shelter. Every dog now has the chance to be benefited from the good quality ticks and fleas solution! It is an unimaginable dream!
We wish to remind every pet owner that ticks and fleas prevention is really VERY, SUPER important. It can prevent dogs from suffering from the deadly tick fever disease. So even if the burden of the shelter is so heavy, it is still compulsory for us to carry out the prevention work every month.
Support with love 💪
You can get varieties of Rhone Ma products in all major veterinary clinics. 🐶🐱❤
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