Health condition : vaccinated, recovering from ringworm
Character : Gentle, good nature and love human touch. Very adventurous and quite a tomboy =) Rachel is a joy to be around with as she exudes such warm and lively energy. Her short “bunny” waggy tail is one of her cutest feature :D
Name : Sasa
Gender : Female
Age : 3 months
Health condition : good
Character : Timid and shy but can be very vocal.. Sasa will whine and complain if you pay attention to other puppy. She has a pair of adorable floppy ears and inquisitive eyes. It is not easy to refuse her extra treats when she’s looking at you with her pleading eyes >_<
Both Rachel and Sasa spent their Chinese New Year at a fosterer’s home and will be heading back to the shelter tomorrow. We hope to find them a loving home. If you like to adopt them, please write to us at