Jin Jin Eng Version. 50. Thank You For Your Concer..
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Jin Jin 🐶 (eng version 👇)
感谢大家对金金的关心和打气 ❤
金金这几天情况都还算乐观,也有胃口吃饭,虽然自己都生那么重的病了,但只要有义工姐姐去探望她,呼唤她 :『金金~』,即使是她不认识的人,金金也会赶紧努力站起来傻傻的一直狂摇尾巴,真是好暖心、好乖的女孩儿啊 😫
(如果你还不认识金金 :
但有照顾狗瘟狗的朋友一定知道 …. 狗瘟就像股票行情,狗狗的情况会时好时坏、反复无常,每次照顾狗瘟的狗狗我们总是天天心惊胆颤,这一个月都会是金金的关键期
继续为金金送上正能量,园区现在也同时还有约50只的毛小孩患着不同的病症,正在接受治疗中 (一些在园区服药,一些则住院中)
愿孩子们都能早日康复 …
真的也由衷感激每一位捐助人,让这些孩子即使没有真正的家,但只要是身体不舒服,我们仍有余力在第一时间把他们送医接受最好的治疗,病了有药吃、有人顾,是件多幸福幸运的事,感恩你们 ✨🙏
Thank you for your concern and prayers sent to Jin Jin ❤
Jin Jin’s condition is quite stable these days and has an appetite to eat. Although she is so seriously ill, as long as there is a volunteer went to visit her and calls her, even if she does not know the volunteer, Jin Jin will still rush to stand up and non-stop wagging her tail to greet the visitor, that’s very very sweet of her 😢
(Jin jin’s plight : https://bit.ly/3sd1Wah)
Sad to see that she is thinner than before.
But friends who ever took care of dogs with canine distemper must know …. The condition of distemper dogs can be ups and downs and erratic. Every time we take care of dogs with this virus, we are always scared and worried every day. This month will be a critical period for Jin Jin.
Continue to send positive vibes to Jin Jin. At the same time, there are also about 50 furkids in the shelter who are suffering from different diseases and are undergoing treatment (some are receiving treatment in the shelter and some are being hospitalized)
We hope that all of them will recover soon.
We try our best to do our part, but sadly, sometimes we just can’t change their destiny and length of life.
We’re sincerely grateful to every donor, so that even if these furkids do not have a real home, as long as they are unwell, we still have the ability and resources to send them to the clinic for the best treatment as soon as possible. It’s always a blessed and lucky thing to be treated and taken care of when one is sick, thank you ✨🙏
Source: https://www.facebook.com/hopejb/videos/1112876735806594/
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