Lazy Or Genius Energy Conservationists? Nappingday..
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Lazy or genius energy conservationists? #nappingday
Cats are notorious for sleeping all day! 💤 Some might say it’s because they are lazy, but the truth is (on most days) being natural predators of the night, taking (cat) naps is really important in helping them save energy.
It doesn’t matter whether they get served tuna on a platter or half-heartedly stalk the birds in the garden, some habits are encoded in the genes for a reason 🧬and are hard to break!
On #NationaNappinglDay take a leaf out of a cat’s guide to life and make sure to take enough breaks after a hard working day. You deserve it.☺️
Also, we want to see your moggies’ on their best napping poses. Post below.
There is no shame on taking that break. Just ask the cats!🐈
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