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Celebrating #SpayandNeuterAwarenessMonth
In December 2020, thanks to donors just like you, Soi Dog Foundation reached a momentous milestone: neutering and vaccinating a total of 510,911 animals (421,148 dogs and 89,763 cats) since 2003.
With an estimated 10-12 million dogs still roaming the streets of Thailand, this is only the beginning. And we are already making plans to move forward and expand our spay and neuter programme (known as CNVR – Catch I Neuter I Vaccinate I Return) in 2021 in order to manage this overpopulation and prevent the suffering of millions of street animals.
Read more about our CNVR programme here:
Like all areas of our work, our CNVR programme receives no government funding. We are totally reliant on donations from kind people like you.
Will you join us as we strive towards the next milestone: one million animals neutered and vaccinated?
To contribute towards this mammoth and exciting goal, while also helping to treat thousands of animals every year, click here:
Donate today to make a lasting difference to the lives of street animals.
#SoiDogCNVR #SoiDogFoundation
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