Sweet Dog Abandoned In National Park Gets Life-Saving Help 🧡
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A companion animal like Yollie doesn’t know how to survive on the streets. Please take action today so abandoned dogs like her can be rescued from misery and get life-saving care: https://links.soidog.org/save-dogs-like-yollie
Although Yollie is not quite ready to find her forever home just yet, she is feeling so much better and is getting the ongoing care she needs until that day hopefully comes. But as the health crisis continues, more and more abandoned dogs are coming through our doors. They have no one but you to show them that they matter and that they deserve better. Will you please give a gift for Yollie and the many more who were cruelly left behind? https://links.soidog.org/save-dogs-like-yollie
Source: https://www.facebook.com/SoiDogPageInEnglish/videos/30981886..
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