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Graphic Image Warning. Hunsar And Pansar Have A He..


Graphic image warning. Hunsar and Pansar have a heart-breaking story. 💔 These adorable puppies are victims of unfathomable cruelty, and have spent most of their short lives in terrible pain. Please give a gift today to enable such precious pups to have a better life free from dreadful suffering: https://links.soidog.org/help-pups-like-hunsar-and-pansar

At just a few months old, these two little girls were dumped on the street with tightly bound wire and rope collars around their necks. Pansar’s face and neck were completely swollen as a result of the wounds and an infection. They were both being strangled. The ‘collars’ were digging deeper and deeper as they grew and were causing horrendous pain and damage.

Thankfully they are both safe now and getting the care they need.

We never want to say no to an animal in need, but we need your help to continue taking in so many innocent souls. Will you give a one-off or monthly donation so that there is somewhere safe for pups like Hunsar and Pansar to go? Without your kindness, we dread to think what would have happened to these beautiful girls. Please become a life-saver for those who have no one else today: https://links.soidog.org/help-pups-like-hunsar-and-pansar

Thank you.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/SoiDogPageInEnglish/photos/a.137025..



Soi Dog Foundation

Established in 2003 in Phuket, Thailand, Soi Dog is Southeast Asia's largest organisation helping stray animals. The Gill Dalley sanctuary in Phuket is home to over 1,600 animals. Soi Dog also has a treatment facility in Bangkok and responds to crisis situations throughout Thailand. The organisation is dedicated to implementing effective, sustainable solutions that reduce the suffering of dogs and cats in Asia, runs entirely on donations and works efficiently so all donations are used to help animals as effectively as possible.

The foundation is a registered not-for-profit organisation in Thailand, the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Switzerland, France and Holland. It has a maximum 4-star rating with Charity Navigator, the largest and most-utilised independent non-profit evaluator in the United States, a platinum seal of transparency from Candid, the world’s largest source of non-profit information, a Top Rated award from Greatnonprofits and the Travelers’ Choice award from Tripadvisor.

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