
Happy New Year. We Kickstarted The New Year With A..


Happy New Year!

We kickstarted the new year with a full-day “Basic Phone Photography Workshop” with the ladies in the local communities. The objective of this workshop was to equip the ladies with basic photography and post-processing skills to promote their products online.

Some of them brought their handmade soaps, upcycled denim handbags, baju kurung, cotton orchids, and one of them even brought a read-to-eat ikan bakar!

We thank Yayasan Hasanah for supporting this workshop, and Doc Ali Shamsul Bahar (Nikon Ambassador) for sharing your experiences and expertise!


Selamat Tahun Baru!

Kami telah menganjurkan suatu “Bengkel Fotografi” dengan golongan wanita di komuniti setempat di Kemaman semalam. Objektif bengkel ini diadakan adalah untuk memberi golongan wanita ini kemahiran asas fotografi dan penyuntingan gambar (photo editing) untuk mempromosikan produk mereka secara dalam talian (online).

Sebilangan dari mereka membawa sabun buatan sendiri, beg tangan denim, baju kurung, gubahan bunga anggerik kain, dan salah satu peserta bengkel telah membawa seekor ikan bakar yang sedia untuk dimakan!

Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Yayasan Hasanah kerana menaja bengkel ini, dan Doc Ali Shamsul Bahar (Duta Nikon) kerana telah berkongsi pengalaman dan kepakaran anda!

Source: https://www.facebook.com/TurtleConservationSocietyofMalaysia..



Turtle Conservation Society

The Turtle Conservation Society of Malaysia was established in October 2011. The aim of the society is to bring about the recovery of depleted wild populations of turtles, with particular reference to freshwater turtles, in Malaysia through partnerships with like-minded organizations, individuals and local communities as well as through its own programs.

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