Look At Those Eyes. They Speak Volumes. Chases Dad..
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They speak volumes!!!
Chase’s daddy, Gopal, sent it to us, along with the note that this handsome young man is scheduled for neutering!!!
Snip! snip! Balls will be gone soon!
We are very thankful for his responsible family!
Chase however says …
“Please don’t neuter me. Nanti aku merajuk 12 bulan. Girlfriend aku sebelah rumah sure will not want to date me anymore.”
(You might recall seeing a video of Chase running towards neighbouring house to see his friend.)
We are glad his pawrents are doing the sensible thing! Merajuk or not, bye, bye balls!
Spray and neuter to prevent stray populations! It is utmost importance when you have a male dog, as they can smell a bitch in heat from miles away. One single male dog can escape and impregnate many females! Be responsible! Be like Gopal! Snip snip your dog!
Source: https://www.facebook.com/scasmalaysia/photos/a.4257278975204..
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