Adopted Eng Version. Dory. _. Global Pets Pet Love..
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妹妹Dory被领养了~ 🏡🐶
可能因新山病例越来越多,加上昨天天不作美下了一场暴雨,人流比之前都少了好多好多 😔
昨天出席的孩子们好不走运 😢
如看到其他没被领养的孩子合您眼缘的话,欢迎联系我们,可另外安排时间进来园区和毛孩做交流噢 ~ 通过这样的方式可避开人潮,让大家安心给孩子们一个家 🙏
感谢所有到场支持领养、捐款和助养的爱心朋友们,是你们给了我们力量继续走下去 💪 真心感激
非常感激 Global Pets 和 Pet Lovers Centre Malaysia 的场地提供 ❤🙏
非常感激 Honey Mom 赞助我们50罐50g的百花蜜让我们在领养会上送赠 🙏
还有很谢谢位于Toppen二楼的 Hama Hama Concept Store 还特地送饮料来慰劳义工们,好感动 😭 谢谢你们 ❤🙏
如您无法出席领养会,也欢迎和我们预约时间进入园区领养,里头有3000多只的毛孩在等家噢 🐶🐱
012-716 7123
(电话开放时间 12PM-8PM)
如不能领养,您也能以捐款、购买义卖品的方式,来为园区的毛小孩们一起爱心分担每月马币17万的护生开销 🙏
一份帮助 l 一个希望,感恩
Maybank 5012-0808-5710
Persatuan Perlindungan Dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai
或 到我们的Shopee网店线上捐款
或 成为HOPE每月希望助养人
或 通过PAYPAL国际捐款
或 支持我们的独家设计义卖商品
Little rescued pup “Dory” was successfully adopted yesterday 🐶🏡
Probably because of the increasing number of cases in JB, and the heavy rain yesterday, the flow of people was much less than before 😔 The furkids who attended the adoption drive yesterday were out of luck 😢
If you’re interested to view and interact with other unadopted furkids, please kindly contact us for arranging a visit to them. This way you can avoid the crowds and let everyone feel at ease to give the furkids a home 🙏
Thank you to all the loving friends who came to adopt, donate and register for the monthly sponsorship programme. It’s your love and support that keeps us going.
Thank you very much for the venue sponsor by Globalpets and Pet Lovers Centre Malaysia ❤🙏
Thank you Honey Mom for sponsoring us 50 bottles of honey as a door gift.
Thank you Hama Hama Concept Store, Toppen for sending drinks to our volunteers as an encouragement, thank you!
You’re welcomed to contact us to make an appointment to enter our shelter to adopt 🙏 Over 3000+ rescued furkids are waiting for their home sweet home 🏡
012-716 7123 (line is open from 12pm-8pm), TQ.
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