The Pole Show, Prickly Cat-Mats And The Shadow Of Shadow
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This morning, Pole’s in-built mechanism was at work, so she tries again…
She walks the entire length, looking for possible loopholes.
While our Houdini-Girl was doing her job, I had to do mine – yes, my janitor’s job of cleaning cat toilets.
Husband had put some prickly wires here yesterday. It seemed to work as a deterrent of sorts.
Would you believe she was up there for TWO hours, never giving up.
She even had a stand-off with Shadow, the neighbour’s black cat, shielded by the tinted polycarbonate. It was just growling and hissing on both sides. No direct contact and no one got hurt physically. Ego-wise, I’m not sure.
Okay Pole, we know the gutter-ledge belongs to you. No one else is interested in it, anyway.
Poor Pole, I think she just wants to see the “outside world”.
Alright Pole, time for the prickly cat-mat to go up.
Cow watches.
Pole goes Shadow-hunting while husband fixes the prickly cat-mat.
That’s your own reflection, Pole.
A bit hard to nail it down, because of the studs!
Shadow looms above…
Er…it’s done. Doesn’t look too secure, but never mind. We’ll just try our luck.
Come on down, Pole.
Husband claims “victory” for this morning’s round.
Poor Pole…she’s never quite “lost” before, so some comforting is in order to cajole the broken spirit.
Cow observes what has been done.
The elderly one is “all-knowing”.
We think Pole wants a view, that’s why she keeps escaping, so we gave her a view of the outside world today.
Cow spent four hours sleeping by the condo just now….awww, keeping his sister company, until we pushed the condo back to the shade when it got a bit too hot.
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