Dual Blessing From A Group Of Kind Hearted People...
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Dual blessing from a group of kind hearted people 🎉🎉🎉💞💞💞
Kelen ordered 8 packets of Gin Gin’s homemade threats and banked in RM500 for it 👏👏👏
Not only that, Lena, Davis & their friends also gave RM1,200 for their order of Chicken , Pork , Anchovies & Lamb homemade treats & eggshell powders 😍😍😍
Thanks for their suport to Gin Gin’s homemade treats, the fur kids say Yummmm yum…… 😋😋😋
#donations #adoptdontshop #animalshelters #dogslovers #animallovers #volunteers #careanimals #sponsorship #gingin’shomemade
Source: https://www.facebook.com/scasmalaysia/photos/a.2817122491714..
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