For Adoption Eng Version. Holiday. Holiday14kg Hol..
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for adoption 🐶 (eng version 👇)
而是它的后脚骨异形了,根本站也站不直,站着永远看起来都像在蹲着,只能像只小企鹅一样用小碎步走路 ….
园区里共有三只这样后脚异形、站不直的特殊狗狗 😔 这些孩子在几年前分别救援时后脚就已经这样,我们也不清楚原因为何
而这只金黄色的狗狗 ‘’Holiday‘’,是其中一只会出席本周六领养会的毛毛噢! 🙋
Holiday是男生,他的体型比普通菜菜来得小,约14KG、大约五岁,飘逸的金黄色毛发像只小狮子,笑起来非常温柔迷人 😍 也很友善亲人、性格超棒,如果不是因为他的缺陷,我们想Holiday早就有家了 …..
时常听领养人说饲养毛孩的动机,是为了陪伴年长的父母,我们想Holiday是只超适合陪伴长辈的狗狗!牵着他出门散步,长辈也不会辛苦因为Holiday走不快 ❤
一开始义工们决定带Holiday去领养会时,遭到了负责人Kimmy的反对 : 『为什么要带他去呢? 会不会有很多人取笑他的后脚这样? 那Holiday不是很可怜吗? 而且Holiday这样找到家的机会很低吧 … 』
虽然我们心底也知道机会很低 …
还有我们想 ….. 应该不会有人会取笑他吧!
来临周六领养会 10/10/2020 (12pm-6pm)
📍 G23, The Pet Safari, Toppen Shopping Centre, Desa Tebrau JB
(停在P1那层, G39的柱子附近的入口是最靠近The Pet Safari宠物店的哟)
This dog is not squatting to pee, but its back foot bones are deformed. He can’t stand straight at all. Both of his hind paws are pointing horizontally. He looks like squatting whenever he is standing, and can only walk like a little penguin with small steps …
There are three special dogs like this with deformed hind feet and unable to stand straight in our shelter 😔 They were already like this when we rescued them a few years ago and we’re not sure of the reason.
But this does not hinder their daily life. They are still able to walk, but they walk a lot slower than the others, and they can’t run freely with wide steps, which makes us sad for them.
And this dog named ‘’Holiday’’ is one of the furries who will attend this Saturday adoption drive! 🙋
Holiday is a boy, his body size is smaller than ordinary mongrel, about 14KG and approx. five years old, his beautiful golden fur makes him look like a little lion, very gentle and charming 😍
Holiday is super tame and friendly, he has a very good personality, if it weren’t because of his deformed leg, we think Holiday would have been adopted a long time ago …
Special furkids need a home badly too.
We often hear from adopters that the reason they want to adopt is hoping that the adopted pet can accompany their elderly parents.
We think Holiday is a best match for the elders! The elders will not have any problem or get over exhausted when take him out for a walk as Holiday is not walking fast, and his energy level is not high too.
Coming Sat Adoption Drive 10/10/2020 (12pm-6pm)
📍 G23, The Pet Safari, Toppen Shopping Centre, Desa Tebrau JB
(Please park on the floor P1, the entrance near the pillar of G39 is the closest to The Pet Safari pet shop)
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