We're Giving A Bit Of Support To Ayuda Mascotas In..
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We’re giving a bit of support to Ayuda Mascotas in Venezuela and they waste no time in putting it to good use. They have many followers on Instagram but only a handful donate. We can’t help to a great degree right now, but we are happy to pitch in with a little help during these hard times.
“A quick update on the sterilization event,” volunteer Gladys Guccione said. “The original plan was 13 dogs, but although they spent 16 hours, only 8 were completed, but they were sure to do all the females first. Plus removed a mammary tumor from one, and made a large food delivery for these dogs. I will be sure the rest get done, plus the remaining 15 in another pack.”
Source: https://www.facebook.com/HarmonyFundAnimalRescue/photos/a.13..
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