
Mddb Struggles Every Month To Raise Sufficient Fun..


MDDB struggles every month to raise sufficient funds to pay rental, utilities, workers allowance and other necessities. As we do not make compromises in providing our dogs the best of care, a big bulk of our funds ho towards them. Therefore when a business baking delicious cookies – BabaMoi’s Kitchen approached us saying they want to launch their new range of products at our adoption drive and give us the entire day’s sales – we said YES,YES YES. Please come and support us by buying their products. They will be giving out complimentary packets so that you can taste before making your purchases. We tried out the cookies and can vouch that they are super delicious. Here’s a little about the company:

“Baba Moi’s Kitchen represents a family tradition of specialty cookies, tarts and other range of delicacies with strong influential roots by the Baba & Nyonya culture. Its roots can be traced to generations of avid bakers within the family tree spanning from different era. Baba Moi’s baking recipes are kept within the family for generations and was passed on as a family affair until today.”

Source: https://www.facebook.com/MalaysianDogsDeserveBetter/photos/a..



Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better

Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better is a canine welfare programme initiated by non-profit organisation Community Development and Integration Initiative (CDII).

MDDB's main activities revolve around rescuing dogs from the local council pounds as well as off the streets. Once they have been rescued, the dogs are vaccinated and neutered before being put up for adoption.

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