Rescued Eng Version. L. Maybank 5012-0808-5710. Pe..
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妈呀又有一只浪浪做了截肢手术 😭
兽医评估伤势是人为的,类似被陷阱或诱捕工具所伤,不知道又是哪个变态做的 😠🤬
一公一母,深巧克力公浪浪取名【五福】,浅色母浪浪是【康宁】,五福的伤势最严重,右手就快要断成两半、骨头也露出来了 😢 已经平安动了截肢手术
不知道他们从哪来、不知道他们经历过什么 … 但无论如何噩梦终于都结束了
为孩子们用力祈福,愿它们的复原之路顺利,重拾对人类的信任 🙏
也希望大家给力宣导 【不爱但也不必伤害】!为了生存浪浪已经够苦了,不能雪中送暖,也切勿落井下石
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最近园区捐款大幅减少 … 😭
真的需要更多人的爱心护持 🙏🙏
一份帮助 l 一个希望,感恩
Maybank 5012-0808-5710
Persatuan Perlindungan Dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai
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或 成为HOPE每月希望助养人
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OMG, another stray had an amputation surgery 😭
A few days ago, a stray caregiver called for help. There are several dogs suddenly apprared in the area where they usually feed the strays, apparently they were being abandoned by someone there.
Two of the dogs suffered serious injuries on their front limb. The weird thing is that both have the same injuries and both are injured in the same part.
The vet assessed that the injury was caused by humans, suspected they are being injured by some kind of trap. Not sure which psycho did this 😠🤬
One male and one female dog, the dark brown male dog is named “WuFu‘’ and the light brown female dog is “Kang Ning‘’.
Wufu’s injuries are the most severe one. His right hand is about to break in half and the bones are exposed 😢 An amputation surgery is a must for him, his right front limb was successfully amputated.
Fortunately, Kang Ning’s injury can still be maintained by cleaning the wound at this stage. It depends on the recovery situation to decide whether it’s able to secure that hand.
The poor two dogs are very thin and afraid of people. Because of fear they are quite aggressive, they were still being hospitalized in vet clinic now.
We don’t know where they came from or what they have experienced … But the nightmare is finally over now. Pray hard for the poor furkids, and may they get well soon 🙏
Strays had enough of the hard times in order to survive, it’s okay if you don’t like them but please at least don’t hurt them! Please help to SHARE and EDUCATE.
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Recently, donations to the shelter have been drastically reduced … 😭
Furkids need more love and support 🙏🙏
To make each and every rescue possible, your support is truly essential for us in funding the expenses for our rescued furkids. Thanks a million. (Donation is tax deductible)
Maybank Account No.: 5012-0808-5710
Persatuan Perlindungan Dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai
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