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Waiting For A Home Eng Version. Blacky. Blacky. Bl..


Waiting for a home (eng version 👇)

🐶 : 我不想再流浪了,我想有个家…. 😔

这只无比乖巧和温柔的毛女孩 Blacky,是我们今年年头帮爱心妈妈带去结扎的浪浪,最近却听到了她被罗里撞伤的消息 😢


好在Blacky自己很努力、生命力顽强,爱妈也很用心一直守护在旁照顾她,没动手术,但在短时间内狗狗就可以站起来走一点路了 👏💪

Blacky现在虽然还是走得一跛一跛的,但伤势好多了,需要一段时间才能完全康复,但我们和爱妈都不愿再把她原放回去流浪了 ……





准备好养狗的朋友,希望您能考虑给甜姐儿Blacky一个机会 🙏 你的决定改变她的一生,询问领养请联系我们 016-770 2014







🐶: “I don’t want to be a stray dog anymore, I wish to have a home ….😔”

This extremely well-behaved and gentle furkid – Blacky, is one of the strays that we helped the kind feeder aunty to neuter early this year, but recently we heard that she was hit by lorry 😢

At that time, Blacky couldn’t stand up to walk and suffered from bone fracture. The kind aunty’s financial ability was limited. She couldn’t get her to undergo expensive orthopedic surgery. We helped her to go to our panel vet clinic to seek for medical treatment and provide medical subsidy.

Fortunately, Blacky has a strong will to live, under the aunty’s great care, without the surgery, Blacky can stand up and walk in a short time 👏💪

Blacky is still limping now, and it will take some time to fully recover, but we and the kind feeder do not wish to release her back to the dangerous site where she was originally living …

This time the dog was lucky to survive, but next time …?

The best arrangement is to find a home for her. Blacky has a very gentle personality. She allows strangers to pat and hug her, and whenever she sees the aunty who saved her life, she will happily wag her tail so hard.

Such a sweet girl like Blacky, will be a good companion to a family with young kids or elderly people.

We have to find her a home during her rehab period, so that when she recovers, she will no longer return to the crisis-ridden street, but a warm and loving home.

Friend who is ready to keep a dog, we really hope that you can consider giving Blacky a chance 🙏 Your decision will definitely changes her life, please contact us for inquiries about adoption at 016-770 2014.


Let’s work together to reduce suffering homeless lives on streets.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/hopejb/photos/a.577445702301639/314..



HOPE Johor

Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (H.O.P.E.) is a non-profit organization and no-kill shelter that aims to improve welfare of strays and abandoned pets around Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Our four core missions are rescuing, re-homing, sterilization and increasing public awareness of pet ownership and responsibilities. Currently, we are caring for approximately 700 abandoned animals in our shelter located at Lima Kedai.

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