Thanks To The Generous Donations From Everyone The..
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Thanks to the generous donations from everyone these few days that we can make Soda looks fabulous again (against her wish, you can tell, from her eyes).
Donation wishlist:
1. Any computers/laptops/Macs that are capable of running modern software to aid our day to day operations, and also a comfortable bed for Berry (current laptop’s keyboard have been plucked out key by key thanks to Berry)
2. furnitures eg: chairs, stools, small tables that are comfortable for Berry
3. stationery that Berry can play with
4. cleaning supply, bleach, towels, etc that Berry doesn’t really care about
5. toilet rolls, box tissues etc that Berry can whip out piece by piece
6. shredded paper, old newspaper that Berry can use as toilet
7. Meeting chairs/working chairs/dining chairs
8. Gardening/landscaping items and equipment
9. Vacuum cleaner to massage Berry…
Send us the photos of the items via email at and we will arrange for transport should you not able to send them over.
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