One Female Cat Spayed (Aniza Abdullahs)
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Recently, Aniza Abdullah brought a stray female cat (named Grey) to her vet in Shah Alam for spaying.
We have subsidised RM100 for the procedure.
Join us in CNRM. For every street animal spayed-neutered, we prevent thousands of unwanted births and unnecessary suffering.
C = Care
N = Neuter
R = Rehome/Return to colony
M = Manage
Our first priority is to REHOME the animal failing which we have no other option but to RETURN the animal to its colony. Returning to colony may not be ideal as the animal would still be subject to the dangers posed by humans. Nevertheless, it does have its merits, too:
1. Returning to colony preserves the eco-system as the now-neutered animal will still occupy its space in the colony and this prevents another animal from filling in that space. If an animal is removed from its space, this creates a vacuum and another un-neutered animal will come in and create the same problem of over-breeding again.
2. Some adult animals do very well in their colony and may not be happy living as a pet in a household. Adopting an animal off the street may seem the best option (to us), but adjustment problems may arise.
3. Adoptions are not always successful as very often, strangers come forward to adopt the animal. We cannot ensure a happily-ever-after life for the animal. Some adopted animals are abused, mistreated and some are abandoned and would end up as a street animal again, in a different colony.
Recently, I’m told that some quarters are very much against returning to colony. They believe that the conventional method of capture-and-kill is better as they claim that euthanasia is painless. But euthanasia is killing, and our stand is that killing should not be used as a convenient method for solving (our) problems.
Right now, WHO are the ones who have a problem with the presence of street animals in our concrete jungle? Only the ones who cannot tolerate them and refuse to give them a place on this earth.
But the earth belong to the animals too. It’s their earth as much as it is ours (the humans). Without the animals, our entire eco-system will be off-balanced and eventually, we will suffer as well.
We prefer to educate our fellow humans to live in harmony with the animals rather than support the conventional capture-and-kill method. We know this education process will take a long time, but we have to start somewhere, don’t we? We cannot possibly go on capturing-and-killing. That has been the conventional method for time immemorial, but has it solved the problem? And if this is the only method that the local councils will employ, will it solve the problem?
From a moral standpoint, killing is wrong and someone would have to bear the consequences of that act.
But granted, there will always be the ones who would disagree vehemently with CNRM. To each his/her own then. We do what we think is right and to the best of our ability.
Sometimes, it may be good to ask ourselves honestly in that when we do things – is it for our convenience or out of compassion for the animals?
There is no need to argue and prove who is right/wrong or who is better.
Just answer that question HONESTLY and if in your heart of hearts, you still feel it is RIGHT and it IS for the benefit of the animals (and not for ourselves), then, by all means, do it.
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