Our Wild Hearts Art Exhibition Opens In 3 Days. Th..
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Our Wild HeARTs art exhibition opens in 3 DAYS!
The exhibit features over 50 pieces on Malaysian wildlife by talented students from EPSOM College, Mont Kiara International School, Garden International School, and the Malaysian Homeschool Network. It runs from the 26th to the 28th of October, from 10 am to 9 pm, at White Box, Publika.
Join us for the the soft launch on Saturday, the 27th of October at 11 am and listen to the talented young artists speak about the stories and inspiration behind their masterpieces.
#artexhibition #kleff2018 #kleff #wildlifeart #malaysianwildlife #rootsandshootsmalaysia #janegoodall #jgi #rootsandshoots #kidsart #awareness #conservation
Source: https://www.facebook.com/rootsandshootsmy/photos/a.936424316..
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