Very Urgent: Stray Cat Needs A Home (Jessy Lians)
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From Jessy:
Dear Dr.Chan,
My aunt has a dilemma & she ask me for help. She has been feeding this stray cat in her neigbourhood for a long time. The cat has been spay/neuter (I forgotten the cat’s gender) and it is estimate to be around 9 yrs old. My aunt’s grand-daughter is allergic to cats, she will have rashes all over her body. And recently her daughter-in-law gave birth to a pre-mature baby boy & her son (my cousin) has ordered my aunt to get rid of the cat ASAP. He even threatened my aunt by saying:”If you can’t get rid of the cat, then I’ll do it myself! Don’t you worry HOW I will get rid of it, I have my own ways & I will do it myself!”.
My aunt is planning to give me money & ask me to send the cat to the animal shelter in Ampang. She had been trying to catch the cat, as the cat is smart & get scared easily. I have already told her that sending an old cat to “that” animal shelter meaning sending the cat to death sentence, cos that shelter practice euthanasia. She said she had no choice & it’s a hard decision to make — It is either the cat’s life or her grandchildren’s life.
Those that could help to foster/adopt the cat or offer any other suggestions, please contact me at 016-2988 636. Thanks!
Jessy Lian
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