
If You Can Help , Please Contact Christine At 012-..


If you can help , please contact Christine at 012-9772977.

Msg fr Christine :

Please help.. I saw some kittens with a mother cat at setia walk. They were soak wet on saturday and my family n i had save one of the kittens who was trap underneath one of the wood pile n it was flooded in there. We manage to save the kittens but according to some residents there that it seems the management there dont like all the cats n trying to poison them. I am not too sure about this but i still hope there is someone or some foundation can save these poor kittens n the mother. I had sent few msg to kitty adoptions and also animal federation but none of them replied to me. Actually there is more cats at setiawalk. One of it is even pregnant.. Its sad to see the little kittens wondering around n following whoever that passes there. And its always raining nowdays…

Source: https://www.facebook.com/403709439694040/photos/a.5349468665..


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