
On Our Catching Trip In Puchong This Afternoon, We..


On our catching trip in Puchong this afternoon, we bumped into this. From the look of it, it seemed like they were dumped there. The styrofoam box with a cut hole turned upside down to provide shelter, this could be done by the person who dumped them or a Good Samaritan who spotted them but couldn’t extend more helps. If indeed they were dumped, we would like to send out a PSA please be aware that such act is very irresponsible and despicable. This is the main reason why we have stray overpopulation all around the world !!

We couldn’t leave them be. They seemed very weak so we picked them up and sent them to our panel clinic for check up. According to our vet, they have worm infestation in the stomach and extremely dehydrated. Fingers crossed we hope they will recover soon. They will be transferred to our Transit Centre upon discharge later.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/403709439694040/videos/892926671048..


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