Ecobricks Are Used To Make Many Things Such As Fur..
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Ecobricks are used to make many things such as furniture, walls and even buildings. It allows us to create modular furniture, garden spaces, walls and even full-scale buildings with our plastic wastes.
How do you make an ecobrick?
1. Choose your bottles – choose bottles that have same size and shape to ensure your stools, furniture are stable.
2. Prepare your plastic wastes – plastic wastes that you use need to be clean and dry.
3. Get a (chop)stick – a stick is needed to push and stuff all the plastic wastes into the bottles.
4. Weigh your ecobricks – make sure that the weight is 1/3 of the actual volume of water.
These photos were taken on 24th July, the day we taught and demonstrated to the interns from Rimbun Dahan Turtle Hatchery to make Ecobricks. Together let’s make a difference in our environment and community! cc Rimbun Dahan Turtle Hatchery, AhLong Penyu
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