We currently have 2 dogs for adoption, one a miniature breed and the other a stray.
Rafael,a mixed silky terrier weighs about 6kgs and is about 2 years old. He was abandoned with his small cage in front of the shelter.His fur was matted and we had to shave him.It seemed to us that he may have been living in his cage without being let out as he had a rounded back for the first two days but he behaved like a normal dog after two days of being out and running around.He is a very active dog but when given cuddles, he would snuggle against us and stay quiet. He was very skinny but we have fattened him up. If he wasn't abandoned at our shelter, we dont think he would have survived another month.
P/S:Thats the best shot that we can get of Rafael 😃
This black stray female is about 3 months old and has a pointy head. She was brought in because someone found her by the road with her dead mother after being hit by a car. She's bubbly and loves cuddles too.
If anyone is interested to give them a good home,please get in touch with us here so you can make an appointment to come visit them.