You know what’s very encouraging as I sit here at the computer writing the day’s reports and stories?
That more and more strangers and first-timers are writing in to ask for advice and help with their animals. Today itself, I received three requests for advice from first-timers, and one actually decided to rescue after hearing us on the BFM interview.
So, all this blogging, interviews, etc. really does make a difference. We need the publicity to reach out further and get more people to participate in CNRM, rescue work, caregiving, fostering, or in whatever ways they can to help the animals.
I remember the time when I had high hopes that our local council would at least spare our ear-notched animals. We had meetings with them and I thought, “Surely it isn’t so hard to just spare our ear-notched animals from being captured and euthanised?”. But I was wrong. It IS hard to ask for even that. The councilor explained that it is his duty to respond to the public’s complaints by doing what is required – in this case, to capture and euthanise. In turn, he asked me to stop people from complaining.
We cannot stop the diehard animal non-sympathisers from complaining, but we sure can get more people to be on our side and practise CNRM.
With a smaller number of strays on the streets, we hope there would be fewer complaints.
We more people becoming actively involved in caring for animals and protecting their wellbeing, we hope to win over some of these diehards. As it is, my books already have.
All is not lost. I refuse to believe that we are fighting a losing battle. We are fighting a LONG battle, that’s for sure. It’s just long, that’s all. We’re not losing.
We just have to be like cats, so to speak, to be persistent and very patient, but at the same time, we do the needful and set the example.
Even if we only help one animal in our entire lifetime, we have made a world of difference to that one animal and given it a better life.
The future is ours to create.
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