A Quick Update That This Dog Has Successfully Had ..
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A quick update that this dog has successfully had all her cancerous growth removed. She had awaken from her anesthetic when Wendy went to visit her just now and she even managed to get herself stand up and wag her tail at Wendy. Sweet, isn’t it?
Thank you very much to all our supportive donors in helping to fund for this dog’s medical bill. We have at far collected enough to cover her bills and would like to officially call-off the fund raising for this case. Once again, thank you…from the bottom of our hearts.
Donors’ List:
Loh Mei Zi – RM100.00
Chong Chin Chin – RM50.00
Chin Mei Kei – RM100.00
Andrew Mong – RM200.00
Leong Kitt Yeng – RM20.00
Adrian – RM800.00
This dog was first notice by Wendy, a feeder having few growths on her body. The tumour-like thingy soon spread and burst with blood oozing out.
Wendy was shock looking at the blood dripping non-stop and immediately took her to the veterinary clinic today and vet confirmed that those were cancerous growths and need to undergo surgery to remove them otherwise they will continue to spread and with the amount of blood dripping, it’s only a matter of time before she collapse.
The cost of surgery to remove the 4 growths covering her legs and nipples is estimate to be RM800 (including a week of boarding for recuperation).
We sincerely appeal to Public to help us save her by funding for her medical bill.
If you wish to make a contribution to help this dog, please donate to the below account:
Bank: Public Bank
Acct No: 4687-1411-01
Name: Persatuan Perlindungan Haiwan Pulau Pinang
Kindly email your donation details with ref no. to us at mddb.mccp@gmail.com.
Thank you.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/MDDB.Northern/photos/a.585125154859..
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