Remember the stray mother dog that we were planning to rescue? We finally manage to catch her so she can be brought for spaying and return to where she belongs without the suffering of having to lose another baby to the town council dog catchers (she has already given birth 5 times which was all later caught by the dog catchers as ppl have reported against them). after numerous attemps to gain her trust and also to lure her into the house and using the auto gate to close her in, unfortunately failed and we had to sedate her by using sleeping pills taken from the vet and rolled into her food.
Finally we decided to take action on the on 24th April (thursday) on a rainy morning. 3 of us have set out at 6am to look for her and lure her.. at first we only found her son, and later once we started feeding her son, greatly enough she appeared. she was then given sleeping pills to try to knock her out and it took about an hour before she was drowsy (but still walking and walking around).. finally, the chance came when she came close to the car i was standing and took the chance to close in on her using the net! how excited we were since she was a very frightened dog and will always stay at least 4 metres away from any human.
well, needless to say, her son became furious and started chasing us and the car, and over the next few days, he was just very very sad and whining all the way... the good news is..... she will be ready today and be released back to her home later! Stay tune for more updates!

Remember the stray mother dog that we were planning to rescue? We finally manage to catch her so she can be brought for spaying and return to where she belongs without the suffering of having to lose another baby to the town council dog catchers (she has already given birth 5 times which was all later caught by the dog catchers as ppl have reported against them). after numerous attemps to gain her trust and also to lure her into the house and using the auto gate to close her in, unfortunately failed and we had to sedate her by using sleeping pills taken from the vet and rolled into her food.
Finally we decided to take action on the on 24th April (thursday) on a rainy morning. 3 of us have set out at 6am to look for her and lure her.. at first we only found her son, and later once we started feeding her son, greatly enough she appeared. she was then given sleeping pills to try to knock her out and it took about an hour before she was drowsy (but still walking and walking around).. finally, the chance came when she came close to the car i was standing and took the chance to close in on her using the net! how excited we were since she was a very frightened dog and will always stay at least 4 metres away from any human.
well, needless to say, her son became furious and started chasing us and the car, and over the next few days, he was just very very sad and whining all the way... the good news is..... she will be ready today and be released back to her home later! Stay tune for more updates!
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