Nasty People.
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Nasty people.
I can’t believe this never came to an end after all the posts about dogs in UMS. You can’t expect to sleep well after doing this right, unless you have no heart.
This dog has been in KG E for years. For many years, he has been nothing but a quiet, scared dog minding his own business. Anjing paling kuai la sa prnah nmpk. Org lain pula takut pdahal dia baring2 sja. He doesn’t even barks, kena halau2 lgi wlaupun diam2.
Why this? Why poison him?
This has to stop. Maybe some of you think, it’s just a dog, cat etc, kasi biar la mati. Ya kasi biar dia mati sndiri, jgn kasi racun drung, sengsara. The person or people doing this, think back, is this right? To poison a living thing? It’s killing. Mesti some fikir benda kecil sbb it’s just an animal. This act REFLECTS who you are, and it ain’t good news son. You’re bad news, you should never breed, cause you’ll be teaching your children that this is not wrong. Mybe just how your parents taught you.
Please please please, stop this. It’s not right. If you hate a person or an animal, I don’t think killing is taught in any moral values in your life.
Mmg ada tu org benci anjing, sa pasti, tpi kamu tlg la control tu nafsu setan kamu and just continue w your life being a good person, w one less sin.
I can’t emphasize how important it is to educate yourself and the ppl around you, your family, your friend, children… This animal that you’re scared of or that you hate is the same creation that God made, like you and me. I don’t understand why kill this one, he’s been nothing but quiet. I’ve seen him these few years mkn2 d kg e, anjing sa d rumah lgi gelagas dri dia. Anjing ganas, racun. Anjing diam2, racun……… Like what bro? Mcm budu pl, tda logic dia
End this chain here, there’s no room for this act in the world anymore.
Rest in peace Johnny ❤ You have been loved by many good people 🙏
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