Last night, after the anaesthesia wore off, Tabs probably wasn’t feeling too good as she did not want to eat. I offered food and she wasn’t interested, so I let her be. She did, however, urinate many times in the litter box.
Tiger and Cow came to visit.
I finally succeeded in persuading Tiger to take back his throne.
Cow, as usual, is having a huge security issue here.
He too wants to claim a spot in the room.
Dr Susanna says one of the first things I must change in the quest to discipline my brood is to stop them from “counter surfing” (sleeping on high places not meant for them). That calls for changing five-and-a-half-years of bad habits which I’ve allowed to fester because I did not know any better then. This is going to be an interesting experience for me.
This morning, Tabs ate quite heartily. Her appetite is back again. Here’s Bobby keeping her company.
I think she needs time-out from the cage since she had been so well-behaved throughout the night and this morning. She did not demand for anything. She was really good.
Here she is now.
At least I can breathe a huge sigh of relief now that she has been spayed. We can move on from here now. Next would be her vaccination. That can be done in 1 week’s time if she recovers well (clinically and physically) from the spaying.
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