
Another Happy Story On The P Sisters. Pumpkin Was ..


Another happy story on the P sisters…

Pumpkin was adopted on 1st March. prior to this, on 25th February, the family requested that she be neutered and tested for heart worm in advanced. They happily paid the bills; and she was sent to her forever family on 1st March. ♥️

Here is an update from the Chan family:

“We are building her trust and confidence. She sticks to my mum more. She’s also a heavy eater and we enjoy feeding her. She knows how to sit down to get biscuits now. Loves coconut water and wants to steal when I am cutting them…

We are working to build Pumpkin’s comfort with the area..”


Source: https://www.facebook.com/scasmalaysia/photos/a.4257278975204..



Second Chance

Second Chance is a group of like-minded animal lovers who met through the Internet when they read of Aunty Kiew's plight.

They do their very best to render help whenever time permits and within their limited capacities. They hope to find good homes for as many homeless animals as possible. Currently, there are 100+ animals rescued and fostered by this group.

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