According to Noah’s Ark Ipoh’s (NAI) accusation towards ISPCA on certain
issues, we, ISPCA management feel the need to explain it to the public.
Q : NAI is not permitted to enter their cattery?
A : NAI committee, workers or volunteers can enter the cattery through ISPCA
workers’ hostel.
Q : Why is a wall built between ISPCA Shelter and NAI’s cattery?
A : Since year 2014 (April), photos regarding ISPCA shelter’s dogs (sick dog)has been intentionally being put onto social media (Facebook) as to criticize ISPCA committee’s way of management. Besides, only negative sides are focused, there has always been people who without permission, takes photos of shelter’s old and sick dogs.
The most recent case happened on 19 th May 2016, where a group of intruders entered ISPCA shelter without permission, to seek for these negative news/photos again. However, the entire process has been recorded by shelter’s CCTV.
Hence, after discussion, ISPCA management has decided to build the wall to
prevent these cases from occurring again. (Notice has been given to NAI beforehand).
Q: Regarding ISPCA’s termination of water and electric supply towards NAI’s
cattery starting July?
A : Starting from 2012, ISPCA and NAI have both signed an agreement. ISPCA agreed to let NAI (A registered organization) to handle the cattery, the
agreement also states that ISPCA will not involve in NAI’s management (of
cattery). Furthermore, RM1800 will be given by ISPCA to NAI as expenses for cattery. (This is not stated in the agreement) However, ISPCA stops this payment in 2015.
Water and electricity are one of ISPCA shelter’s largest expenses due to
workers’ hostel, cattery’s and dog shelter’s usage. Thus, due to this circumstance, ISPCA management has requested NAI to pay 10% of the water & electricity payment (Around RM87), but the request has
been rejected plenty of times.
Therefore, to be fair, ISPCA management has decided to separate the water
and electricity meter (for shelter, cattery and workers’ hostel). And it is not as
what said by NAI, ‘termination of water & electricity supply’.
Q: Dogs in shelter are not being taken care properly and the amount of dogs
are decreasing day by day?
A: ISPCA Shelter has been starting the ‘Zero Cage’ program since 2014 aiming to give the furry animals a better living environment.
Currently (July 2016), shelter officially announces all cages are not in use
Quite a number of our healthy furry animals have been adopted.
Adoption from ISPCA Shelter is definitely FREE OF CHARGE (with some terms & amp; conditions). Photos of the adopted dogs in their new owner &living environment can be found from our Facebook Page.
Please feel free to visit our shelter to know more about ISPCA or if there’s any
inquiries. Appointment may be made through Facebook message.
Q : 被指阻止进入猫舍?
A : NAl 的员工或义工可以从ISPCA 庇护所的员工宿舍(侧门)进入猫舍。
Q : 筑起墙壁,故意为难NAI?
A : 从2014(4月)期间,庇护所被一些有心人故意拍下庇护所病狗的照片,放上面子书评击ISPCA 管理员,其间也一直有人未经管理员批准,在庇护所拍下老,病狗的照片,放大负面。
Q : 抗议ISPCA 在7月开始停止水电供应于猫舍?
A : 2012开始ISPCA与NAI签署一份协议,ISPCA将猫舍交由NAI(一个注册的动物保护团体),其中内容包括ISPCA不得过问和干预 NAI 在猫舍的行政。
另外每月 ISPCA 另付 NAI RM 1800 津贴。(此津贴不在协议记录)
因此ISPCA管理层要求NAI支付10% 水电费(才RM87),但被多次拒绝。
Q : 庇护所内的狗狗严重疏忽 照顾和无故减少?
A : 庇护所由2014开始零(破烂)狗笼计划,今天2016(7月)
ISPCA 庇护所领养宠物肯定是免费的。
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