一位好心的Miss Hwei 送牠医疗,目前已做了手术,但需时疗养愈合,我们庇护所开放一个位置给牠,等牠复愈之后,我们会为牠节育再回放牠到原来的地方。
Miss Hwei将会继续喂养牠。(也公开免费领养)
感谢 Miss Hwei 的关怀与支助。
It was injured and lost a leg in an accident. Ms Hwei sent it to the vet, it had an operation but need time to recover. We gave it a temporary space in the shelter, after it recover we will neuter it and send it back to where it came from.
Miss Hwei is willing to continue to feed it.
Thanks to Miss Hwei for your kindness.(Also open Free adoption)
Also, we hope that public can support our Food Bank Program.
For more details contact us / 更多详细与我们联系
010-5667363 中文组 / Chinese group 016-5042468 英文组 / English group 019-5532655 英文组 / English group
Venue : ISPCA Shelter 庇护所 ISPCA呼吁更多的志愿者加入我们的行例。 ISPCA hopes that more volunteers can help out. PLS SUPPORT TNR , PLS LIKE AND SHARE www.facebook.com/ispca
Donation to ISPCA is Tax Exempted / 捐款于ISPCA是可免税 Public Bank ~ 3060433821 cheques must be issued to / 支票请注名 : " the ipoh society for the prevention of cruelty to animals"
一位好心的Miss Hwei 送牠医疗,目前已做了手术,但需时疗养愈合,我们庇护所开放一个位置给牠,等牠复愈之后,我们会为牠节育再回放牠到原来的地方。
Miss Hwei将会继续喂养牠。(也公开免费领养)
感谢 Miss Hwei 的关怀与支助。
It was injured and lost a leg in an accident. Ms Hwei sent it to the vet, it had an operation but need time to recover. We gave it a temporary space in the shelter, after it recover we will neuter it and send it back to where it came from.
Miss Hwei is willing to continue to feed it.
Thanks to Miss Hwei for your kindness.(Also open Free adoption)
Also, we hope that public can support our Food Bank Program.
For more details contact us / 更多详细与我们联系
010-5667363 中文组 / Chinese group 016-5042468 英文组 / English group 019-5532655 英文组 / English group
Venue : ISPCA Shelter 庇护所 ISPCA呼吁更多的志愿者加入我们的行例。 ISPCA hopes that more volunteers can help out. PLS SUPPORT TNR , PLS LIKE AND SHARE www.facebook.com/ispca
Donation to ISPCA is Tax Exempted / 捐款于ISPCA是可免税 Public Bank ~ 3060433821 cheques must be issued to / 支票请注名 : " the ipoh society for the prevention of cruelty to animals"