We believed in "Building a Better Tomorrow with Your Action Today". With the launching of this event that collaborated with April 22, ISPCA wishes to express a million gratitude to Aprill 22 for donating a total of RM 7 460. The total donation amount was collected within the period of 1st June 2017 to 30th June 2017 where April 22 donated RM10 with each box of successful purchase of April 22 Rose Energy Cream to ISPCA. April 22 stretched out a loving hand to ISPCA to help out the poor furry kids. The donation will proceed to the Food Bank Program and T-N-R (Trap-Neuter-Release) program of ISPCA.
Of course, ISPCA would like to give a million thanks to the public for their support and we hope everyone will keep on supporting ISPCA and APRIL 22❤