怡保防止虐待动物协会(ISPCA) 配合【世界动物日】在 Bandar Botani Eco Park 2
活动其间,也有来自怡保多个越野单车团队到來活动现场为 ISPCA 打气,以示支持我们 TNR 计划。
工委会成员再次感谢 所有赞助单位,参加活动的家长,小朋友和毛小孩们,如活动有什么过失之处,万望各位多加包容与见谅,希望各位再支持我们,让我们下个活动再办更精彩。
In conjuction with [World Animal Day], ISPCA has organized a [Pet Pirate Treasure Hunt] activity at Bandar Botani Eco Park 2 on 14th October 2018. The activity attracted approximately 35 family groups and more than hundred groups in the pets category. Furthermore, some of the participants came all the way from KL, Kedah, Penang, Cameron Highlands etc.
All the games planned in this event aims to educate public and also children about the difficulty strays encounter daily in seeking for food. So that we can care more about the strays.
Besides, there are a few cycling groups from Ipoh came to support us and our TNR program.
Hereby, all the committees from ISPCA would like to once again thank all the sponsors, participants & pets!! We would also like to apologize if there were any mistakes/ things that are not planned well in this event. We really hope everyone can continue to support us and we will definitely organize more of such activities.